
Product and process certifications

Conserve Italia plants use several Product and Process certifications.
Certifications have a variety of purposes: some are necessary to export products to specific markets, while others are voluntary certifications aimed at enhancing the commercial value of products both on the domestic market and abroad. All certifications have a shared purpose: that of testifying to Conserve Italia's commitment to pursuing improvement in all its activities.


(Brand Reputation through Compliance Global Standard)

This certification is required by distribution chains on the English market first and foremost, as well as on international markets. It defines the standards which companies in the food industry need to comply with to achieve a certification that guarantees to distributors the reliability of their suppliers. BRCGS certification concerns both processes and products, for which Safety, Quality and Legality are checked. Essentially this is a certification of the safety and legality of products, as well as of the satisfaction of customer requirements, through the verification of production methods implemented by individual plants. Conserve Italia plants in Italy (Albinia, Alseno, Barbiano, Massa Lombarda, Mesagne, Pomposa, and Ravarino) and abroad (the France factories in Tarascon and St Sylvestre and the Spanish one in Murcia) are BRCGS certified by third bodies (Bureau Veritas and NSF in Italy and SAI Global in France).


(International Food Standard)

This is a process and product certification which is similar to BRCGS certification, but according to a standard defined by Modern Distribution chains in Germany, France and Italy. The check is effected by third-party bodies (Bureau Veritas and NSF in Italy and SAI Global in France) and it concerns the Safety, Quality and Legality systems implemented by plants.
All Conserve Italia plants in Italy (Albinia, Alseno, Barbiano, Massa Lombarda, Mesagne, Pomposa, Ravarino and XII Morelli) and abroad (the France factories in Tarascon and St Sylvestre and the Spanish one in Murcia) are IFS certified.



Environmental Certifications ISO 14001, obtained by the plants in Albinia, Pomposa and Mesagne and EMAS Certification by the plant in Albinia, which focus on the assessemnt and monitoring of the environmental impact of plant activities and make it possible to check and keep under control several environmental parameters, such as energy and water consumption, emissions into the atmosphere, pursuing, also in this case, improvements in performance, year after year.



The certification, issued by CRE, Consorzio per le Risorse Energetiche, allows the use of the brand in the label product because of a certificated use of electricity from renewable sources that amounts to approximately 24,000 MWh/year in 2019, which is the estimated electricity need throughout production with Valfrutta brand.



Certification issued by CCPB, which conducts checks at the farms of the associated producers to ensure compliance with the agronomic practices required by the product specifications and the correct use of the active ingredients allowed on crops, also with sampling and product analysis. The production of peas, borlotti beans, green beans, tomatoes, peaches and pears for syrup obtained the Integrated Production Certification.



Recognition obtained in Italy with CCPB body, for tomatoes (plants in Albinia, Ravarino, Pomposa, Massa Lombarda, Mesagne and Barbiano), fruit juices (plants in Barbiano and Massa Lombarda, plant in Imola for purees), jams (plant in Pomposa), vegetables (plants in Pomposa and Alseno, plant in Ravarino for semifinished products) and sweet corn (plant in Alseno). The French plants have productions of tomato and vegetable derivatives certified organic by Ecocert.



These certifications are issued by Eurokosher and Ortodox Union, regarding the suitability for consumption and conformity to the food standards envisaged by the Jewish religion and established in the Torah. The certifications have been obtained by Pomposa, Albinia, Massa Lombarda, Mesagne, Barbiano and Ravarino for some products based on tomato, vegetables and fruit in syrup, sold with Cirio brand or under the customer's trademark and distributed in countries such as Italy, U.S.A., Israel, Mexico, Australia, France, Canada and South Africa, where a large portion of the population is Jewish.



Issued by CCPB to manage the production of peas, borlotti beans, green beans and sweet corn from uniquely Italian crops and processed in the plants in Pomposa and Alseno. In addition, it was also issued for the management of the production of tomato derivatives from uniquely Italian crops and processed in the plants in Pomposa, Ravarino, Albinia, Mesagne, XII Morelli, Massa Lombarda and Barbiano for the management of the production of juices and purees of peaches, apples, pears and apricots from uniquely Italian crops processed in the plants in Barbiano, Massa Lombarda, Imola and Pomposa.



It is the certification issued by HQC, to certify the implementation of a Quality System pursuant to Islamic Law (Shariah). The certification has been achieved by the plants in Mesagne, Pomposa and Albinia and applies to tomato and beans based products, sold with Cirio brand or with the customer’s private label, where there are Islamic communities.



The company obtained from the company Veganok the concession of the "Veganok" logo, for use on its products from Valfrutta, Cirio and Yoga ranges. The concession takes place through the voluntary adherence to the Veganok standard Ethical Disciplinary, drawn up in compliance with UNI EN ISO 14021. It implies the evaluation and approval of the product labels and the self-certification of absence in the certified products of any component of animal origin or that involves, directly or voluntarily, the killing, keeping and exploitation of animals, including for testing purposes.



This is a registration of all Italian plants to the sharing platform of the non-profit organization Sedex Advance. The purpose of this registration is the rapid and effective sharing with customers and suppliers of information mainly in the ethical and security fields.
To strengthen its commitment to guarantee ethical, safety and health standards of its workers, all the Company's plants have been verified through the Smeta audit protocol option 4 Pillars or option by the company Tüv Nord.
The audit findings are shared with customers and suppliers through the Sedex portal.


UNI EN ISO 22000

È una norma certificativa internazionale, basata sui principi dell’HACCP, così come definiti nel Codex Alimentarius, che consente di sviluppare, attuare e mantenere un sistema di gestione integrato che garantisca la sicurezza dei propri prodotti, di dimostrare la conformità ai requisiti legislativi e di migliorare la comunicazione con le parti interessate. Sono certificati gli stabilimenti di Massa Lombarda e Ravarino.


UNI EN ISO 22005

La norma fornisce i principi e i requisiti di base per progettare ed attuare un sistema di rintracciabilità nell’agroalimentare, al di là dei requisiti cogenti o di quelli di altri schemi certificativi. Sono certificate le produzioni degli stabilimenti di Massa Lombarda e Ravarino.


All production plants are FDA (Food and Drug Administration) registered and therefore the related products are suitable for export to the United States of America.



Furthermore, Conserve Italia obtained other voluntary certifications aimed to a better commercial development of the products and to show the ongoing commitment to safeguard the environment:

  1. - process certification (EPD process): the Company certified, with DNV body, the life cycle of the vegetables, fruit and tomato derivatives process.
  2. - product certification (EPD product): the Company developed and certified with DNV body other 20 EPDs in addition to the three initials which included Fagioli Borlotti di Giornata (borlotti beans), Polpa di pomodoro Gran Cubetti (chopped tomato), Pera Succo e Polpa (pear juice and pulp).
    On the website, by typing the name of the company in the search filter (ConserveItalia) all existing EPDs are available.
    The analysis of the carbon footprint was also carried out following LCA methodology (Life Cycle Assessment), regulated by ISO 14040-14044 standards. LCA studies make it possible to know the energy and environmental loads relating to a product/process/activity, carried out through the identification of energy, materials used and waste released into the environment. The assessment includes the entire life cycle of the product/process/activity, from raw materials, to manufacturing, transport, distribution and use, as well as reuse, recycling and final disposal.
  3. - Water Footprint Profile: certification with DNV body of Water Footprint in Italy according to ISO 14046 standard. The Water Footprint Profile (WPF) is the certification of the water footprint in terms of LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) of the product EPDs.